An Opportunity

As a psychiatrist who believes that psychotherapy is an integral part of treatment of virtually all patients, there are practical limitations on the number of people I can treat. When I was serving in the U S Navy, much treatment was provided in group therapy settings, as there are more people who can be treated in a given period of time. But beyond that, is there any other way to have an impact on my community?
Certainly by writing, teaching, and giving presentations, there is an opportunity to reach more people. That still tends to be a select audience, however. Many people might be able to benefit but simply not be aware of information that was available. So what about more general approaches?
I have been offered an opportunity that appears to give me such a chance. Here in Birmingham a talk radio host and his producer met with me to explore my possible involvement as a guest on his show. As a psychiatrist who also happens to be a commited Christian, a man who believes that a Scriptural view of the world and our problems is TRUTH, I am going to have the chance to speak about some of these issues to a broad ranging audience. It is a conservative talk program, but I'm sure that there are many who listen but are neither conservative nor Christian. To be able to shed some light into darkness...isn't that what Jesus has called us to do?
Stay tuned for more specific information (hopefully soon!) as we want to move forward with this in the next week. A hint: the show airs from 6-8am locally!