Winter can be beautiful!

Just a couple of images that remind me that God is an incredible Artist, and that He will meet our needs, including that for serenity and peace of mind. Slow down and's good for the soul.
These past three years have brought many changes, both in the world around us as well as how we think about ourselves, our relationships, and the world at large. Apparently such issues as freedom and self-determination have little value to those in power. We have been locked down, kept from work, coerced to participate in medical experiments, and exposed to insidious psychological manipulation. Depression & suicide rates have increased, "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" has become a diagnosis in the voices of the media, and trust in the healthcare system has been destroyed.
As a follower of Christ I should not be suprised when I see bad behavior occuring in our fallen world, yet even I am shocked at how rapidly things have progressed. My practice has been quite limited for several years, even before this coronavirus foolishness. I realize that there is much to be done and I need to step up to the plate.
These problems are common now and many seem to be finding little relief. There is no question that the Spike Protein from the original SARS-2 coronavirus produces a number of toxic effeccts, several of which are long-lasting. This can come from either "long COVID" or from production of the spike from the mRNA injections that many have had. The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) has exploded with a massive number & variety of injuries, and yet the most common referral made by doctors for these complaints are to a psychiatrist! In essence, they are saying "its all in your head!"
This is true in a sense, the spike gets into the brain and causes numerous effects. Also the general inflammatory state brought on by immunologic reaction impacts your brain. As I note elsewhere on this website, there are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions to our thinking-feeling-experiencing self. I first began to look at the relationship between the mind, the central nervous system, and the immune system back in my residency many years ago! The good news is that there ARE ANSWERS to the problems many are struggling with.
I commit to taking up my writing here as well as opening up my time & services for treatment of these new problems. Wellness, healthy diet & lifestyle, fitness, and related topics hvae always been a part of my approach. Given the unique circumstances we find today, I believe that an even greater integration of various components of treatment is now called for.
NOTE: I will continue to provide psychiatric .services as I have always done.