Current Events - 2023

These past three years have brought many changes, both in the world around us as well as how we think about ourselves, our relationships, and the world at large.  Apparently such issues as freedom and self-determination have little value to those in power.  We have been locked down, kept from work, coerced to participate in medical experiments, and exposed to insidious psychological manipulation.  Depression & suicide rates have increased, "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" has become a diagnosis in the voices of the media, and trust in the healthcare system has been destroyed.

As a follower of Christ I should not be suprised when I see bad behavior occuring in our fallen world, yet even I am shocked at how rapidly things have progressed.  My practice has been quite limited for several years, even before this coronavirus foolishness.  I realize that there is much to be done and I need to step up to the plate.





These problems are common now and many seem to be finding little relief.  There is no question that the Spike Protein from the original SARS-2 coronavirus produces a number of toxic effeccts, several of which are long-lasting.  This can come from either "long COVID" or from production of the spike from the mRNA injections that many have had.  The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) has exploded with a massive number & variety of injuries, and yet the most common referral made by doctors for these complaints are to a psychiatrist!  In essence, they are saying "its all in your head!"

This is true in a sense, the spike gets into the brain and causes numerous effects.  Also the general inflammatory state brought on by immunologic reaction impacts your brain.  As I note elsewhere on this website, there are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions to our thinking-feeling-experiencing self.  I first began to look at the relationship between the mind, the central nervous system, and the immune system back in my residency many years ago!  The good news is that there ARE ANSWERS to the problems many are struggling with.

I commit to taking up my writing here as well as opening up my time & services for treatment of these new problems.  Wellness, healthy diet & lifestyle, fitness, and related topics hvae always been a part of my approach.  Given the unique circumstances we find today, I believe that an even greater integration of various components of treatment is now called for.

NOTE: I will continue to provide psychiatric .services as I have always done.

Entries by Jack W. Murbach, M.D. (17)


Some Thoughts About Addictions

People engage in addictive behaviors for a reason, they get 'something' out of it.  Drugs of abuse will cause pleasurable feelings in most people who try them, and a pleasurable response encourages a 'repeat performance'.  But there is more to addiction, much more.  For every group of individuals who find a particular substance or experience pleasurable, on a part of that group will go on to have problems from that substance or experience.  Why is that?

The person prone to addiction is getting 'something else' out of the experience besides simply the pleasure.  Often it is relief of uncomfortable feelings (physical or emotional), or it may be relief from troubling thoughts or worries.  A brief period of peace, of comfort, of no worries.  That can be so attractive to the individual that there is a desire to repeat the experience.  And so it begins.  A pattern of behavior develops that provides some comfort, pleasure, and relief in the present moment.  Please note the time frame.

Addictions feel good in the present moment but over a period of time begin to cause problems down the road.  That is the basic pattern of addiction: feel good now, experience consequences later.  A brief reflection will help you see that this is a mindset or attitude of our culture at this point in time.  Have fun now, worry about the consequences later.

Perhaps this sounds familiar:  Buy Now, Pay Later!  We see a time of unprecedented debt both in many families as well as in virtually all governments (city, county, state, federal).  Addictions are a lot like credit cards!  Get the good stuff/feeling now, worry about the cost/consequence later.  Escape the everyday boredom, indulge yourself.  Buy the new car, take that vacation, spend money you don't have.  This message is so prevalent in our culture that many of us see it as a normal way of life.  It is that attitude that underlays much of the addictive process.

The Cycle of Addiction

If the thoughts above make sense, then let's go a little further.  We can see how substances or experiences can produce pleasure and become an escape from issues outside of us (family problems, argument with the boss, etc) or inside of us (worries, fears, anger, recollections of past occurences, and other uncomfortable inner experiences).  As we do something that "works" (that is, gives us the pleasure and relief that we seek), it becomes a more frequent behavior.  This is the idea of reinforcement which is easily seen in training our pets.  Provide a positive consequence to a particular behavior: puppy treat for sitting on command.  The same idea: experience pleasure after drinking, smoking, swallowing, snorting, shooting, or otherwise putting a chemical into your body.  The pleasure reinforces the behavior.  Or the excitement some feel when shopping, which can also be a reinforcer.

Over time, this pattern gets cemented.  At some point, the addictive behavior itself begins to produce undesired consequences.  As the developing addict becomes troubled by these consequences, the addictive behavior becomes a temporary source of relief from those consequences, consequences that were caused by the addictive behavior. 

As an example: you go to happy hour with coworkers to let off steam after a tough day at work.  The alcohol and relaxed conversation works, you experience pleasure and relief from the work stress.  So you go a bit more often, and you experience this relief more often, which reinforces going back to the bar.  One evening you get home and a family complains about you being late getting home, an argument ensues.  The next day you have the same work stresses and the troubling recollections about last night's argument.  That cold beverage at the bar sure looks attractive in your mind, doesn't it?  You begin to watch the clock count down for the end of the work day so you can go see your "friends" at the bar for a few drinks to get some respite from your burdens.  At this point denial is gradually developing which blinds us to the fact that some of what we are wanting to escape from was caused by our "solution" to stress, our little visits to the bar.

At this point, the developing addict is off to the races.  You can substitute a variety of situations and experiences for the bar & the drinks.  The process is similar.

Does this sound familiar to you?  Perhaps it's time to get some help.



Welcome to my new website!

In moving to this new format, I hope to be able to share a number of thoughts about who we are as people (from a Christian worldview) as well as specific issues that may arise in treatment of issues that arise in my work.  Also, you will find various apologetics topics, that is, a rational defense of the Christian faith.  If Christianity is true, and I believe that it is (and can be shown to be true) then optimal treatment of emotional issues should be informed by an accurate understanding of God's world.  I look forward to communicating more through writings on my new site.

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